Alien Sculpt Concept

This alien spawned from a model of 3D crystals we developed for the background of a different project. I think it was based on a mix of too much Netflix and coffee. However, that’s pretty common here. We thought it turned out pretty stellar for a 2 hour exploration...

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MMA Gym Logo Sketch

Partial design proposal for a unique MMA logo we started on for a mixed martial arts studio. However, soon after we began, the client had a new idea that they wanted to pursue. We’re always happy to change direction and explore the other side, but we still love where...

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Black Pawns

Black Pawn Logo

Black pawn concepts for a start-up video game company logo. Here we showcased some of the creative concepts that we explore on the back-end of each and every logo design proposal.

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New for 2017: Sketch Box

At MirrorBox Creative, we’re always creating beautiful things…but sometimes we do it for no reason other than to contribute to the artistic landscape. Other times, we’re creating concept art for clients that might make it close, but just doesn’t make the final cut. And yet other times…we’re learning new...

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